
Regulations of the “Municipal Youth Activator (MAM)”in 2024

Municipal Youth Activator (MAM) is a micro-grant program for social and civic activities in which informal youth groups can
take part. Program is entirely financed from the budget of the City of Lublin.
*An informal youth group is, for example, a peer group focused on common interests, having common goals and values.

Schedule of the Municipal Youth Activator

May 13th – 31st – open call for projects
Information meetings in Youth Spaces:
May 13th – Monday, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. – Youth Space – Hej!, Peowiaków Street 11
May 15th – Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. – Youth Space – Po Prostu Fajne Głos, Jana Sawy Street 5
May 16th – Thursday, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Youth Space – Rewir, Królowej Bony Street 8
May 20th – Monday, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. – Youth Space – Prusa 2, Prusa Street 2
May 22nd – Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. – Youth Space – Kosmos, Racławickie Alley 33/U-8
June 6th – announcement of recruitment results
June 7th – 22nd – training for chosen groups
June 17th – November 30th – project implementation; training in the field of social and civic education and social
December – program summary gala

What projects can be implemented?

The Municipal Youth Activator may implement social and civic projects initiated by people aged 10 to 30 who study, live or
work in Lublin.

Activities that may be reported are aimed to:
✔ introducing a specific change in the environment, carried out with people, assuming cooperation and involvement –
social projects,
✔ increasing people’s involvement in public life – civic projects.

Who can apply?

Projects under the program can be submitted by informal groups of young people aged 10 to 30 (minimum 3 people)
consisting of people living, learning, studying or working in Lublin. Each group must appoint a leader who will also be the
contact person for the operator.
If the group includes only people under 18, they will have to indicate an adult guardian. He will be responsible, among
others, for signing contracts with the operator.
A person can be a member of a maximum of two informal groups at the same time. A leader can only play this role in one

What projects cannot be implemented under MAM?

Projects that, in particular:
✔ involve the purchase and consumption of alcohol / other harmful substances;
✔ may have a negative impact on the health and life of participants;
✔ may lead to exclusion or discrimination,
✔ deny fundamental freedoms and human rights;
✔ involve activities of a political or religious nature;
✔ are commercial.
MAM will not finance activities that, in the opinion of the committee, qualify for funding under other programs implemented
by the Lublin City Hall, e.g. Youth Inspires Districts (Młodzież Inspiruje Dzielnice), School Participatory Budget (Szkolny
Budżet Obywatelski), Creative Spaces (Kreatywne Przestrzenie) or scholarship programs.

✔ if you want to release a CD, organize an opening or a concert, take advantage of funding from scholarship programs,
e.g. a scholarship for a youth project in the field of artistic creation or the promotion of culture, or from the Youth Inspires
Districts program;
✔ if you want to create a creative space in your school to integrate students, use the program: Creative Spaces or School
Participatory Budget;
✔ if you want to implement an activity addressed only to people studying at your school, use the School Participatory
Budget program.

What costs can you include in your project?

These are, for example:
fees for substantive activities and technical support of the project, instructors conducting workshops, creators, artists,
presenters, animators; purchase of materials necessary to implement the project; costs of renting space for the needs of
the project; rental of technical infrastructure and service for the needs of the project; project promotion costs; costs of
transporting materials and equipment (impossible to settle invoices for gasoline).
Costs under the project may be settled only on the basis of invoices, pro forma invoices and receipts with Tax
Identification Number. In justified cases, the Association may consent to the settlement of personnel costs based on a
contract for specific work/commission.
The expenses that the group implementing the project incurs must be:
✔ necessary for the implementation of the project;
✔ effective and rational;
✔ incurred within the period specified in these rules of cooperation, i.e. from the date of signing the agreement to the date
specified by the Program Operator – November 30th, 2024 (expenditures incurred by the project initiator beyond the
indicated date will not be taken into account);
✔ properly documented.

Amount of funding under the Municipal Youth Activator

The following grants are expected to be awarded:

✔ 4 micro-grants worth PLN 500.00 each;

✔ 8 grants worth PLN 1,000.00 each;

✔ 10 grants worth PLN 2,000.00 each;

✔ 4 grants worth PLN 5,000.00 each.

What responsibilities will each informal youth group have?

✔ Each youth group should appoint a leader who will be in constant contact with the “Ulica Krótka” Association on all
issues related to the implementation of the project. If the leader is not an adult, the group is obliged to appoint an
additional guardian – an adult who will take legal responsibility for the implementation of the project.
✔ At least one member of each informal group must attend both training courses, which will be organized between June
7th and June 23rd, 2024. After completing the training, the leader is obliged to send the Association the final version of
the project – the result of the work of the group members and trainers.
✔ The group implementing its project is obliged to use the indicated graphic symbols on all materials promoting the
project. The group members agree to the recording of the project (photo, audio, video) by persons authorized by the
“Ulica Krótka” Association and the Lublin City Hall, as well as the free and unlimited use of the recorded materials for
MAM’s promotional and organizational purposes.
✔ The Group is obliged to send the operator: a description and schedule of planned activities, which will be published on
the website (at the beginning of the project), as well as a photographic report of the implemented
activities (after the project, along with a report).
✔ All group members must attend at least one networking event or additional training, which will be organized between
June 17 and November 30, 2024.
✔ After completing the project (up to 14 days), the group is obliged to prepare (according to the template) a report on its
implementation, which should be accompanied by all materials documenting its progress, e.g. photographs.
✔ The project implementers are fully responsible for any damage resulting from the implementation of the project.
✔ At least one member of the group must attend the evaluation meeting, which will be organized in December 2024.
✔ At every stage of project implementation, members of informal groups can benefit from the support of the “Ulica Krótka”
Association. Each group will be assigned an animator who can be contacted by e-mail, telephone or in any other suitable

Rules and procedure for submitting project proposals for implementation

The recruitment of applications will take place from May 13th, 2024 to May 31st, 2024 or until the funds allocated for
grants are exhausted.
The project description should be sent via the online form available on the website by May 31st, 2024.

Attention! The form does not allow you to save the content and return to editing it later. We suggest preparing the content
of the application in a working document, and after completing work on the project, pasting its content to the form and
sending it.
Do you want to submit your project in the form of a vlog in PJM (polish sign language)? Send it to us at

Completion of evaluation and publication of results

The “Ulica Krótka” Association reserves the right to submit comments on the project selected for implementation – in
consultation with the youth group.
It is not possible to appeal against the recruitment results.
The selection process will be announced by June 6th, 2024. After this date, the list of projects qualified for implementation
under the program will be published on the website and on the website Group leaders will
receive information by e-mail about the selection or rejection of their submitted projects.
If a large number of projects are submitted, the selection deadline may be extended. Appropriate information will be
published on the website and on
After selecting the project, an agreement on the implementation of the project will be concluded between the “Ulica
Krótka” Association and the youth group.

With regards to the protection and processing of personal data, the “Ulica Krótka” Association is committed to complying
with and fulfilling the objectives set out in Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the EU
of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free
movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ EU. L of 2016 No.
The administrators of personal data are the “Ulica Krótka” Association.
The “Ulica Krótka” Association will use the Project Proponents’ personal data in order to:
1. making analysis and statistics for internal needs related to the implementation and evaluation of the Urban Youth
2. promoting the Urban Youth Activator, including the development of materials and publications and posting them
on the program’s website;
3. to evaluate cooperation offers in terms of content and form within the framework of the project evaluation team
with the composition specified in para. 18 of the rules of cooperation;
4. announcement of the results of the call for cooperation offers on the operator’s website;
5. conclusion and implementation of the agreement – Annex No. 3;

6. promotion of the Municipal Youth Activator;
7. other purposes for which the Association is obliged under applicable laws
Personal data will be processed on the basis of the consent granted, the template of which is specified in Appendix No. 5
to the rules of cooperation.
Access to personal data will be provided to authorized personnel of the Organizer and entities providing services to the
Organizer (i.e., IT and technical support services, postal operator) that need to access the data to perform their duties.
These entities will have access to the data only to the extent necessary to perform their tasks. The entity commissioning
the task (Lublin Municipality) may also have access to the data.
The organizer shall not transfer personal data outside the territory of Poland / EU / European Economic Area.
Personal data will be kept for the period required in the agreement for the realization of the task.
The Organizer has appointed a Data Protection Supervisor, who can be contacted regarding the protection of your
personal data and the exercise of your rights by email: or in writing to the “Ulica Krótka”
Association’s headquarters address
Individuals participating in the Urban Youth Activator have the right to:
1. request access to their personal data, rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, to
object to processing, as well as the right to data portability,
2. where the basis for the processing of personal data is consent – the right to withdraw
consent at any time without affecting the legality of processing carried out on the basis of
consent before its withdrawal,
3. lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority, i.e. the President of the Office for Personal
Data Protection
Data will not be processed in an automated manner, including in the form of profiling.
Provision of personal data is voluntary, but refusal to provide it will make it impossible to Participation in the Municipal
Youth Activator.
Final Provisions:
Submitting a project by a youth group constitutes acceptance of these Rules of Cooperation.
In matters of dispute or not regulated in this document, decisions will be made by the “Ulica Krótka” Association, after
consultation and conversation with all interested parties.